A living room... with flowers
the project of Giuliana, Milan - Italy

A very bright and spacious room, a small child about the house and many friends to host... when Giuliana found herself having to make a choice of sofa for her own living room, she had to take into account many factors.

Before everything else she needed a dark covering, easy to keep clean; the desire to create a happy environment, in harmony with the brightness of the room and not last, the importance of having a comfortable sofa, where she could stretch out and watch TV.

Giuliana has chosen a sofas with pouffe and floral cushions. The particular form of the sofa, combines the need to stretch out with the optimisation of space; the comfortable floral pouffe may be detached and positioned far from the sofa so as to create new places to sit.

The three-person sofa located in front, completes the living room, rendering it ideal to receive many guests.

Among the sofas she has place a modern table, with a structure in metal and glass surface top.